
Tuesday, September 20, 2016


( Hyperbole )

A hyperbole is a  Form of figurative  language like Similes and   metaphors
Are used for emphasizing and  humour
In Speaking and writing.
Examples of  hyperbole

It was so cold I saw  polar bears wearing jackets.
I had a ton of  Chores to do .
She is as thin as a  toothpick
(Simile\hyperbole )

He was  skinny
Enough to jump through  a keyhole.  Her  smile  was  a mile wide .
His brain is the size of a pea you are walking
Slomack than anail.
His stomach is a bottomless  pit
I was so hungry that
I Could have  eaten an ox

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Provide - Explanation .

(The Water Cycle) Introduction - Same of water - carth - created.
Water -  Very important life Survival Human beings, plants animals .
Provide - Explanation .
Water .
Para One Water Cycle- hydrological Cycle Cycle includes - Precipitation ,.Evaporation,
Condensation and Transpiration.
Water - changes from  liquid uid - vapour - then liquid again
Image result for the water cycle

Para 2
Firstly - Water lakes , Rivers , streams, Sea - Heated - evaporates
When -  evaporates
Forms - Clouds  by - Condensation
When - clouds - heavy falls - down - rain - assisted gravity
If falls  down - solid form - snow and sleet


Everyone Knows what a person is but  do you Know  What personification is ? A Personification is when you  assign human  qualities to Something
that isn’t alve . Examples of personification

  1. The Stars danced playfully in the in the moonlit sky .
  2. The run down House Appeared depressed.
  3. The First Rays of the morning tiptoed through the Meadow .
  4. The bees played hide and seek with the  flowers as they duzzed From one to another
  5. The river Swallowed  the earth sa the  water Continued to rise higher and Higher .
  6. The Thunder grumbled  like  an old man
  7. At Precisely 6:30 am my alarm clock Sprang into life.
  8. The news Took  me by Surprise
  9. The Evil tree was lurking in the Shadows.
The ocean danced in the Moonlight .

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Explanation Writing

Explanation Writing
Explains or tells you why or how Something Happens or Works.
Features: title tells you what the writing is about. The first paraph begins with a general opening statement e.g. in autumn, some birds migrate. A series of logical steps explaining how or why something happens. Written in the past tense. Use of time connectives e.g. then, next, several months later. Use of causal connectives e.g. because, so, this causes. Diagrams can be used together with explanation.

Correct use Cmmas

8 September 2016  

Correct use of  Commas
  1. We bought apples,pears bananas and oranges for the fruit sald
2. Although we arrived early  the restaurant was full.
3. Yes you  can put the christmas  tree up, tomorrow .
4. If you eat your Vegetables  you may have dessert.
5. Lizards snakes and  turtles are all reptiles,

joke is not good for you

Why we Should Not eat junk Food
Tasty - unhealthy high in sugar  / salt too much Sugar - do not turn off
exercise - diabetic
Diabetic \ Medication
Worse - Severe - gangrene
And wan we eat good Food  and that you can look  good and no diabetic That Part of body Operated on Leads to obesity - Verify
Lacks Vitamins and Fidra - although Full tired - quickly

And it is not good too eat junk Food or and K.F.C and Coke and Cake and ice blocks. And you should be going out to the gym  so you actually lose fat

In the World India Pakistan Sri Lanka Afghanistan Nepal. Maori pacific Islander and in nz  and  Sorry Coke and Sorry Cake  Junk Food is so not good for u and in the body and weh one will you get good  or bad I wooh sa

good and want kan of drinks and Cookies and Hunter is  love Cakes u sf eat good food And this is why you shouldn't eat junk food and you dot on want is in the Food and want food is good and bad
And I am so so not going to eat junk Food a gan ize and I am so afd of popula  good food  and not good Food and what is good food and junk  good food I haken good Food
And it is so good be kaz it is Friday  and  junk food is so not good for you and  I am so happy for my Dad he is going to the gmm. and I am going to the

Why we Should not eat junk food
Junk food must - Contain Chemicals e.g. chicken nuggets Chemicals -- food sick - caer - lead to death junk food - tasty ingredients - poor quality hamburgers poor quality meat used - do not know - which part - cow used
Spend .money-Make own hamburgers - duy meat Some - fast food outlets - poor hygiene food poisoning - Sick  
And Junk food will make u fat and the junk food is going to kill u and Chicken’s is so bad for u and junk food is inChikey n and u can eat and eat Bat you may get fat and` Coke and fanta and I am going to that

Food Caten

6 September 2016 Week 7 Tuesday

Food Caten masticated  mouth Teeth  Saliva Food Moved Back Mouth ‘ trapdoor  Saliva  Food  moued Back mouth,trapdoor-oesophagus … tongue Food  Stomach  broken down by
Digestive juices
Broken down food   Small intestine Food  moves goodness Soaked Up
Into-large water taken out
Balance energy Repair, growth blood body
Goodness left west food Excreted
.<><><><Wednesday  7th september><><><>.
.><><Explanation writing><>< .
Why something happens
How something works
Present tense verbs
Time connectives: firstly,secondly features
Causal connectives:because,as a result
Topic words

Explanation writing
A hangi is often prepared on special occasions like birthdays or christmas dinner  some people prepare
Them in different ways here is one of them.

Firstly pieces of earth are removed to make a hole
Big enough to fit the food baskets in. logs
Are placed in order  of biggest to smallest.

The rocks are added on preferably volcanic ones or else normal rocks will explode. Now the fire can be it.

The fire will blaze and smolder until the rocks  are white hot. When the fire has stopped burning, the ash and embers are now removed to a safe place to be extinguished. Next the rocks are placed in the pit and the food baskets to protect the food, then the damp sheets are put on top of the baskets to protect the foo, then the damp sacks are set down to create steam.

Dirt is placed until the steam is no longer seen. The food shouldn’t be reading until then watch tv. Finally   the Food is unearthed And Ready to eat.